How to Make a Woman Orgasm in a Short Time? Research Finds Specific Movement that Make a Girl Orgasm

The orgasm of a man can be reached in ejaculation. The orgasm of women is not as simple as men. As a boyfriend or husband, do you know how to make a woman enjoy a perfect sex? A recent scientific survey found that what they are seeking may not be the transformation of numerous sex positions, but “this simple movement”.

A recent study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy examined the different types of clitoral stimulation women prefer.

The study was published by researchers from Indiana University. Researchers conducted the national online survey, which included 1,055 primarily heterosexual women (91 percent) between the ages of 18 and 94 years old. More than half of respondents were married and 65 percent identified as white.

The survey asked a wide array of questions regarding female pleasure including the participant’s sexual preferences, sexual behaviors, quality of orgasms and if she can orgasm during intercourse.

Researchers found that 36 percent of women reported that they needed clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm during intercourse with another 36 percent reporting that while they do not require clitoral stimulation to reach climax during intercourse, it most definitely enhances an orgasm.

Most women like the stimulation of the clitoris.

Other findings focused on the specific types of genital touching and stimulation women prefer. The data about genital touching was taken from 1,000 informal video chats. The most of the women interviewed in the informal video chats did not identify as straight.

“Overall, results demonstrated substantial variability among American women’s preferences,” the study reads. “And while some kinds of genital touching or stimulation were more often preferred than others, most women endorsed a narrow range of touch techniques, underscoring the value of partner communication to sexual pleasure and satisfaction.”

The interview questions about genital touching were very specific: What amount of pressure do you prefer? (from being touched very lightly to medium and hard pressure); What shape or style of motion do you prefer? (“Side to side, up and down, diagonal, circular, tall ovals, wide ovals, pushing/pressing in one spot, pulsating/rapid pushing in one spot,” etc.); Where do you prefer to be touched on your vulva/vagina? (“Directly on the clitoris, on the skin around the clitoris, avoid touching clitoris directly, occasionally brushing over clitoris but not applying pressure to it,” etc.); And, lastly, what preference of touch do you prefer? (fingers, hands, mouth, etc.).

According to the study’s findings, two-thirds of respondents preferred direct clitoral stimulation with most reporting that they also like stimulation just around the clitoris.

When it comes to preferred shapes and styles of genital touching, 63 percent of women said they like up and down motions and 51 percent of women said they liked circular movements. A good amount of women (41 percent) preferred just one style of touch instead of multiple. Researchers also found that most women prefer light or medium pressure, with 16 percent reported that they liked all types of pressure during stimulation.

“Women might find it helpful to think about these different dimensions of genital touch or stimulation when exploring their sexual response during solo or partnered sexual play,” the study reads. “And therapists and educators might find these dimensions helpful in making specific suggestions to couples. Having these four dimensions of touch in mind may give individuals or couples more direction or concrete ideas to experiment with that go beyond broad encouragement to simply ‘go explore and see what you like.’”

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